Monday, May 31, 2010

And... the Adventure BEGINS!

Well, the adventure actually began about 3.5 years ago when I had my first daughter, Kallan. Before I had Kallan I was a Kindergarten teacher. I loved my job, my students, and my colleagues. I knew I wanted to stay home with my children, but I didn't know how strongly I would feel about this until I held Kallan in my arms. So home I stayed, and my wonderful husband works extra hard so that we can keep it that way. As my adventure began as a new mother I realized that there were so many wonderful things about mommyhood that I wanted to learn and know about. I needed to surround myself with other moms who were going through the same joys and challenges as myself. I joined a local free breastfeeding support group that was hosted by the hospital where I gave birth. I remember the first time I went to the group. I was so proud of myself for getting out the door with baby and to the group on time, I walked through the door and KNEW I had found the right place for me! I saw a room full of mothers with babies of all ages, all with bags under their eyes, spit up on their shirts, sweatpants, sneakers, diaper bags the size of carry on luggage, strollers, etc. AND most importantly the sympathetic lactation consultant who was a cheerleader, fact finder, and shoulder to cry on. I am forever grateful for that find because I formed friendships with other moms who join me, and support me on my adventures!

From that breastfeeding group a moms group was formed where we could begin meeting up at other places. We soon found out that keeping our growing, exploring, busy little babies entertained was our newest challenge! And this is where the Adventures with Tiny People begins...

My family has grown a lot in the past 3.5 years, from Walsh Party of TWO to Walsh Party of FIVE! We now have three beautiful daughters. They keep us very busy, but we wouldn't have it any other way!

This blog is for all the moms, dads, and families in the Inland Empire who are looking for FUN, KID-FRIENDLY, FAMILY ADVENTURES!

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